Autumn Sun News and Updates April

21 April, 2023 
4 min read

As I grow and change so does my life around me. At times I feel sad about what I am leaving behind.n Yet I fully trust there will be many more things to love and experience - Almora.

 Dear beloved friends,

 As the colourful autumn leaves continue to fall, we are reminded of the impermanence of life and the changes we are collectively experiencing.

 Through change, we experience grief, loss, and the gift of all that was.

 We begin to be more grateful for nothing that will one day change. 

 Some days can be difficult others a celebration, such as the movement of life. I always like to go to mother nature for solace at difficult times and look at the beauty and trust nature has in its life force to 'let go, transform, complete, be still then grow new life'

 I took this photo while there a few days ago, looking at the colours of heaven and earth and everything in between.

 We will be heading away at the end of the month to spend two months in the Northern Hemisphere. 

 First is Sedona for two glorious weeks at the lighthouse conference, followed by visits to the Hopi and Navajo reservation, some time in Monument Valley.

 Then we are off to Avalon the heart center of the world where Almora and Dellaina have three events, summer solstice, and a booked calendar of personal appointments.

 Then a journey back to her birth home of Jersey for three more events.

 Finally to a Cornwall place of Kind Arthur, Merlin the Magician and 

 It certainly is an incredible time to be here on Earth despite the barrage of difficult and sad things we are experiencing as a race.

 There certainly is also so much hope and inspiration.

 Much of this we won't hear on the news or in general media.

 We feel it is so important to focus on what we can do rather than what we cannot.

 Almora regularly reminds me that our priorities will always find us and we don't have to look for them.

 That said, we feel it is also important not to ignore the suffering of the world but to do what we can when something comes to our awareness.

 Donations to a charity (no matter how small) volunteering time to a cause that needs assistance once off or ongoing.

 We all are called to do things in our own ways, buts sometimes we are also stretched into looking at new ways of doing things and maybe the action this may take.

 This can take us on a whole new exciting journey.

 Gratitude is always something that can catapult us out of our own fears and sufferings. It can really change our beliefs and behaviour.

 The basic things we have grown o know and take for granted at times. I know that I have.

 We are looking forward to our journey to Sedona in Arizona and the lighthouse conference. Ihaia's going to spend time with the Hopi first nations and I'm sure he will have much to share art this.

 Dellaina will continue off to the heart Centre of the world Avalon (Glastonbury) and will be there, we have four events there and Almora's personal appointments are now full.

 Then to her birthplace and home for 23 years, beloved Jersey.

 There we have three events and on to Cornwall for one more, home of Merlin, Arthur and Morgan Le Faye (goddess of Avalon) for about another ten days. Then back to New Zealand full of inspiration, new inspiration and wisdom to share with you in the coming months and years to follow.

 Our two Soul Foods will still take place one from Avalon on 22 June Thursday not Tuesday 'Solstice' and then 'Merlin' will join us from Cornwall on July 18.

 Please see below for our UK and Jersey events for those of you who may be there. Or have family or friends that may wish to join us from New Zealand for our two monthly Soul foods.

 We look forward to being of service to you and bringing new inspiration, ideas, and uplifting experiences to you all.

 No matter if you join us in person, on Zoom or just via our updates.

 We will be doing a video diary which will be uploaded to our website and Facebook page.

 Wishing you all a glorious Autumn of release and gratitude for what you have experienced this last year, and for that which is moving out of your life in preparation for something even more glorious!

 Arohanui  Dellaina, Ihaia, Taki and Ra x

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