
I am ready to reach out and ask for guidance and assistance.
By opening myself to this assistance, I am affirmed in the choices that I make.
- Almora

About Us

Everything you need is inside you.
Yet we are born into so much conditioning, which we are not always aware of, which blocks us from accessing our inner knowing.

Our purpose here is to create a place of love and trust.
So you can open to and receive, your unlimited ability
to transform, change, grow, expand and shine.
We facilitate the teachings of many ancient spiritual traditions, and unlock many of their secrets.
Through the use of ceremonies, ancient and new healing practices. So that you can live your most inspired, creative and empowered life!

About 'Almora Beyond The Horizon'

Combining our spiritual and indigenous heritages, we offer our love, respect and wisdom. As a link for your own connection to our beautiful earth, the expansive universes, and beyond. Accessing your true essence, the Divine wisdom that lives within us all.

Almora’s healing, guidance, and mentoring is here to empower you to live life to the fullest, most creative, abundant, and expanded potential.

About Almora The Giver of Infinite Life and Love

Almora is a non physical being, now working from spirit to assist humanity in the great changes occurring on our planet here, now.

The primary elements of life can be broken down into 3 aspects, namely the Body – Tinana (incorporating health, exercise and diet); the Mind – Hinengaro (including logic and emotions) and our infinite, expansive but often ignored Spirit – Wairua. Neglecting our spiritual aspect is indeed a missing link – because of this imbalance we cannot live our lives to our fullest potential.

Whanau, Whanaungatanga (family and extended family)

We are all connected

“Almora empowers people to harness their potential, greatness and wholeness

through the classroom of life by coaching their spiritual growth”.

Some Miracles I have seen through my work

In the thirty plus years of this work I have truly seen miracles.

Such as:

  • People with incurable disease go into spontaneous remission.
  • Those facing bankruptcy flourish and access unlimited wealth.
  • Marriages collapsing, find passion and love again.
  • Long lost soul mates reunited after lifetimes apart.
  • People diagnosed infertile have children, sometimes many.
  • From no job and two mortgages to mortgage free. From no job to a unique role created especially for them and well paid.
  • Special Schools with years of waiting lists, admit three children from one family within months. (the principal himself saying this had never happened in his 30 + years at the school.)
  • Those diagnosed with learning disabilities, and struggling to study or take exams.
  • Achieve degrees and Masters.
  • Lost and confused to clear and creative.
  • Those with an unfulfilling career, start and succeed at their own creative business.
  • From No Way a Way is found! Because Miracles begin with you!
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About Dellaina

My healing training expands over 35 years and includes: Meditation and breathing techniques (various) Astrology, Past-life therapy, Divination (Runes, Tarot), Seichem natural healing, Crystal healing, and Shamanism. ​

My focus now is being the divine channel for Almora and our sacred work, into which I integrate all of my acquired skills.

Dellaina's Background

I grew up in a small island off the coast of France, Jersey (Channel Islands), and have lived in New Zealand since 1994. In my childhood, I experienced frequent visitations from spirits in our old Victorian house, sparking questions about life, death, and beyond. I soon realized that neither scientific nor religious explanations satisfied me, fueling my lifelong quest for deeper answers.

My career began at a travel agency in Jersey, then as a ship stewardess, followed by work in airports and business travel. This global journey introduced me to seen and unseen worlds, leading me to study metaphysics, past-life therapy, and various healing modalities. I traveled to over 30 countries across 37 years, guided by remarkable teachers, both physical and spiritual.

Growing up near ancient sites on Jersey, some older than Stonehenge, gave me early inspiration. I often felt the presence of those who once lived there and caught glimpses of my own past lives. These experiences drew me to powerful energy sites worldwide, leaving me feeling refreshed, peaceful, and filled with insights.

In the 1980s, I deepened my exploration, visiting ancient sites in the UK, Europe, Egypt, the Americas, Israel, the Middle and Far East, Australia, the Pacific, and beyond.

Dellaina's Training

  • Runes
  • The Tarot
  • Most forms of divination
  • Feng shui
  • Colour and sound therapy
  • Numerology
  • Astrology
  • Healing with Crystals
  • Past life therapy
  • Many different Meditation practices
  • East and Western mysteries
  • Yoga
  • Shamanism (Celtic, first nations and various other indigenious)
  • Paganism
  • Buddhism
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About Ihaia

Ko Ngai Tahu te iwi-No Horomaka/Otautahi ahau.
I come from the Banks Peninsula Christchurch and Ngai Tahu is my tribe. I am a warrior of the spirit of light.

Aotearoa New Zealand is my homeland in this lifetime.
I have travelled extensively as a merchant seaman and spiritual voyager. Experiencing and participating in many countries and cultures, spiritual and ceremonial traditions.

Ihaia's Background

I am trained in Tikanga (cultural/spiritual) counseling and am passionate about people’s well being, and spiritual growth.

Taha Wairua, Taha Hinengaro, Taha Tinana, Taha Whanau. (Spirit, mind, body, and family)

I also like to implement a sacred sound with both my voice and indigenous instruments in my healing work.

I believe sound and its vibrations transcends time and space, penetrating deep into our cellular memories bringing balance and well-being in one’s life.

My most recent ancestors Ngai Tahu travelled across the oceans to get to Aotearoa. From a very early age, I have felt the call of Tangaroa (the Ocean). I went to sea at 17 as a merchant seaman. I have crossed oceans, lands, mountains, lakes, and air paths on my quest for life.

Te Mana O te Moana was a pivotal journey sailing on a “Haunui” to Turtle Island – North America. You can read more about this here.

The journeys are as internal as they are external. “Becoming the New Human” through living ancient knowledge and wisdom.

The depth and breadth to my life, the connectedness to the entire universe, is threaded, sewn into every step, every breath, of ALL the travels I do.

I look forward to sharing with you on this journey.

Aio, (Peace to you), Aroha, Ihaia

Tihei Mauri Ora (We share the breath of life)

About The Indigenous Māori of New Zealand on the Peninsula

Three successive phases of Maori tribe settlement took place on the peninsula. Waitaha were the first settlers, followed by Kāti Mamoe, and then Ngai Tahu took over in the 17th century. In the culture of the Māori of New Zealand, a tohunga is an expert practitioner of any skill or art, either religious or otherwise. We know these in other traditions as Shaman. Tohunga includes expert priests, healers, navigators, carvers, builders, teachers, and advisors. A tohunga may have also been the head of a whanau but quite often was also a rangatira and an Ariki.

The equivalent in Hawaiian culture is kahuna, and the first nations people of the Americas are Medicine men and women. In other countries and Europe known as Shamans.

There are many classes of tohunga including:

  • Tohunga ahurewa: highest class of priest
  • Tohunga matakite: foretellers of the future
  • Tohunga whakairo: expert carvers
  • Tohunga tātai arorangi: experts at reading the stars
  • Tohunga kōkōrangi: expert in the study of celestial bodies (astronomer)
  • Tohunga tārai waka: expert canoe builders
  • Tohunga wetereo: expert in the language (linguist)
  • Tohunga tā moko: expert in tā moko (tattooist)
  • Tohunga mahi toi: expert artist
  • Tohunga tikanga tangata: expert in the study of humans (anthropologist)
  • Tohunga o Tumatauenga: expert in weapons or war party chaplain
  • Tohunga kiato: lowest class of priest

Each tohunga was a gifted spiritual leader and possessed the natural ability to communicate between the spiritual and temporal realms through karakia (prayers), pātere (chants), or performing waiata (songs) that had been passed down to them by tohunga before them.

However, their rites were mainly in the specific fields in which they practiced, as outlined above.

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Who is Almora in their own words?

“I am the sun, I am the moon, and I am the moving desert sand.
I am the wind in your hair.
I have no face and I have many faces, whichever one you are willing to look at and accept is how I come to you.
Almora is the vibration closest to what you can understand in the form of a sound or physical likeness. – Almora”
Almora is an expanded non-physical group consciousness, who identifies with the powerful life force of our sun.
Almora Interpretation.

AL (All) MO (Infinite love) Ra (The Sun) and giver of Infinite life and light.
Interpretation – Almora is the giver of infinite life and love, which is love manifest.

Around about 500 BC Neb-Het-Aat (as was his name then) was a high priest, scribe, sage and vizier in the area of Thebes now known as Karnack in ancient Egypt.
During these times, as well as training young men into the mysteries of life, death and re-incarnation. He was also able to connect with the healing and unlimited memory of crystals. With this ability he performed what was then known as 'Psychic surgery’. This was a non-physical surgery but was performed with the laser powers of various crystals, which removed the dies-eased energy from the aura which creates physical, emotional and mental dis-easement.
This ability he has trained Dellaina to facilitate and so together this is one effect technique that is used. Today this process has evolved with the changing of human consciousness and environment.
Neb-Het-Aat is a realized being who is now working in spirit to assist humanity in the planet’s changes and “spiritual revolution”.
He is a teacher and guide to many and communicates via Dellaina’s channelling and writing.
Neb-Het-Aat (Lord of the Great House)
Neb-Het-Aat (Lord of the Great House)
Visionary Artist Ralph Sherwood channeled image of Neb – het- Aat Before evolving into Almora.
Visionary Artist Vaness Brownbridge channeled image of Almora now
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Dellaina and Ihaia work together at courses, retreats and events.

Together, we bring a wealth of experience. Through healing, guidance, and mentoring we are here to empower you to live life to your fullest potential.​

Our journey of bringing together the Celtic and Maori tribes began on the Banks Peninsula, New Zealand.

More about Dellaina & Ihaia

We were aware after meeting in Feb 2011 that we had come together to guide and support people in their respective journeys. The depth and breadth of our connection and love is an ever-expanding expression of spirit in our lives.

Living, being, working in a soulful relationship is a rewarding and challenging experience.

Our purpose together is to bring inspiration, wisdom, expansion, empowerment, and love to individuals and groups of people. Who are awakening to the great journey of the incredible changes within and without on the planet now.

Supporting you to find your own gifts and unique contribution to what is occurring through these unprecedented times.

Why is the Banks Peninsula significant to our journey

The Banks Peninsula is a special place for us for different reasons

Ihaia’s family tribes and Runanga (sub-tribes) come from the Banks Peninsula koukourarata Port Levy (mother’s tribal side) and Rapaki (father’s tribal side) and he has deep spiritual and cultural roots, spanning back for many generations from these areas.

They are both coastal areas on the rim of the extinct Volcanoes and have a deep family, spiritual and cultural history to him.

Dellaina has had a great love of this place from the time she moved to Christchurch in 1994 and has been facilitating regular retreats, courses, and workshops here since 2005.

We met on Waitangi Day 2011 at Okains Bay Marae.

This was Dellaina’s Citizenship ceremony, just before the earthquake. Ihaia was a speaker on behalf of the tribal people of the area at the Waitangi Day ceremonies.

So the Banks Peninsula also holds a special place in our hearts.

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