Zoom Soul Food

This moment is mine to create, to appreciate and to live in love and fullness.
I embrace this moment and all that I am right now.
- Almora

Monthly Wisdom, Guidance and Support with Almora

Soul Food is a monthly event that offers teachings, guided path workings, breathing and relaxation techniques, and transmissions of divine healing energy. These evenings are designed to bring inspiration and clarity to your life.

Through this experience, you can expand your consciousness and embrace your divine wisdom and power in a deep and profound way, allowing clarity and confidence for the next part of your life’s journey.

You will amplify and experience infinite love and compassion, all the while feeling the love and light of your Divine nature.

Almora, an expanded group consciousness that identifies with the powerful life force of our Sun, is now working from the infinite Spirit to assist humanity during the significant changes occurring on our planet. Join us to navigate and integrate the new energies that we receive every day, and grow and evolve your consciousness with the support of an expanded light.

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Some previous evenings have covered the following subjects

  1. Letting Go - The Giveaway 
  2. The Changing Of the Guide 
  3. The Holy Trinity - Deeper Revelations 
  4. The Lord of Karma - Reflections for Future Change 
  5. The Sacred Ankh - The Key to the Kingdom 
  6. The Law of Divine Compensation 
  7. The New Path of Illumination 
  8. Harmony of the Heart - The Journey to Self-Love 
  9. Welcome Lord Ganesh. Remove Obstacles from Your Life 
  10. A Thousand Blessings - Soul Food with Lakshmi and the Almora Team 
  11. Transforming the Shadow - Reprogramming the Subconscious 
  12. Finding Balance - Spring Equinox = Equality of Night and Day / Light and Dark 

Please note that these topics are designed to help you empower yourself and gain deeper insights into various aspects of life. We hope you find them helpful and informative.

About these Events

Venue: The event will be held virtually via Zoom and can be attended anywhere worldwide. Almora's Sanctuary hosts it in Christchurch, New Zealand. 

Time: The event will run from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm NZDT. 2024 

Dates: The event will occur on the following dates in 2024: January 16, February 20, March 26, April 23, May 21, June 18, July 23, August 06, September 17, October 29, November 12, and December 10.

Investment: Please find below the details of the payment options available for our subscription service: 

- Yearly 12-month subscription: You can subscribe to our service for 12 months for $440.00. This subscription is available anytime and includes two months free, which saves you $88.00. 

 - One-off payment: If you cannot join the live event, you can make a one-time payment of $44.00, which includes a video and sound recording replay. 

Payment can be made through NZ bank transfer or by using a credit card on Paypal. fee of 4%).

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