Three Tribes, Three planets, Three countries and the Journey of the sacred Moko – by Dellaina 2011

21 April, 2023 
7 min read

First darkness, then an explosion of light. A star appeared from the darkness and from the top of the explosion, the star divided into the four directions. North, south, east and, west. Four elements Fire, air, water and earth. Then came a spiral of light from the top of the star (father sky). The light broke off into three colors white, red and black. The message reflected the three planets Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades. Then three tribes, the Celtic/Nordic clan’s, the Polynesian /African clans and the native Americas clans. As I translated the vision I felt like I was experiencing all of these sensations within myself as all of the planets, tribes and elements.

In 2011 Ihaia and I made a trip to Jersey, her homeland.

Firstly, because my father was gravely ill and we went to support him after a huge operation. The second trip was to spend the Christmas holidays with him, so he was not alone. We also decided to have a few days relaxing in Rarotonga on the way home, after what has been an exhausting but very rewarding year.

We had to make a huge journey, 11 flights all in 14 days. Christchurch to Auckland, to Los Angeles, transit to London Heathrow. Catch a bus across London to Gatwick and another domestic flight To Jersey. Pick up a hire car and drive to town some 30 minutes away. Phew! Then fly back again via Raratonga and Autaki Island.

On the way from Auckland to Los Angeles, an incident happened which delayed us in Los Angeles over night. This was now going to put quite a pressure on us time wise, as we were already arriving only one day before Christmas Eve. Now it was going to be the evening before Christmas, jet lagged form three time zones and going from summer to winter!

As we rested in the Los Angeles Hotel the following morning, we had a visitation (in spirit) firstly from Kere (a Maori elder/kamatua friend and mentor who had recently died) followed by Ihaia’s parents, and then a native Indian chief and his tribe. We were welcomed back to the land, and reminded of the incarnation we had their hundreds of years prior. (See the story of two moons and lightening stallion) We were reminded this lifetime for us, was to unite tribes and recognize beyond their skin color and birthplace, and look at the stars from which we originally had come. The three significant star systems; The Pleiadian, Orion and Sirius were mentioned among many other insights personal to our life path. We had been guided with Almora to facilitate a retreat in castle hill for the winter solstice in June prior, where we had already been working with the star people.

The Indian chief then gifted Ihaia a huge turquoise pendant to wear around his neck. Acknowledging his contribution to the tribes past and present. This came with huge energy and we realized why we had been delayed in Los Angeles!

After a very hectic few days in Jersey we managed to make a trip to a stone circle that we had visited on our previous journey (Estimated to be over 10,000 years old.) As we made our way in, the guardians greeted us and a Celtic warrior appeared. He gave us the symbol of three rune stones and asked us to collect the only stone at the entrance to the circle to return to Aotearoa. He also acknowledge lifetimes as Celtic warriors and the history now of joining of tribes, from many realms. It was a very similar message that the native Indian warrior had gifted to us. Although I knew that these chiefs resided on different dimensions and realities their message was very similar. So was the fact we had both been here, many centuries before. He gave us some strict instructions of what to do with the rune stones and as we left that wet winter’s day, we realized a pattern was developing.

Although ancient there was a recognition from us all. A little like coming home after a long journey, after many years away, and finding the warmest welcome of love, respect and friendship, not diminished by time or space.

Then, we were off to Raratonga for a few days healing to unwind, swim and enjoy a tropical island after the exhilarated pace of our intense but adventurous journey so far, or so we thought!

After only one day I was confined to our beach hut unwell and in a deep fever. It was a terrible ordeal I must say, I had never remembered being so unwell in my entire life. Feeling so helpless and vulnerable. I was blessed to have Ihaia nursing me through those few days, and when the time came to leave I was really looking forward to getting home. Something I never thought that I would say about leaving such a beautiful island as it is.

Finally, the morning came and as I rested once more (now sleeping averagely 16 hours a day) the door flung open and a very tall and strong Mario chief stood there in spiritual form. There was a challenge set, Ihaia responded communication ensued. Then as twice previously on our journey, the chief told of a previous meeting here. Acknowledge Ihaia as a long lost warrior chief and again instructions of bringing old wounds to heal between tribes and people. Then it began the vision of the Moko.

First darkness, then an explosion of light. A star appeared from the darkness and from the top of the explosion, the star divided into the four directions, North, South, East and, West.

Four elements Fire, air, water and earth. Then came a spiral of light from the top of the star (father sky) . The light broke off into three colors white, red and black. The message reflected the three planets Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades. Then three tribes, the Celtic/Nordic clan’s, the Polynesian/African clans and the native Americas clans. This was then showed to me on Ihaia’s arm as what I thought was a tattoo but now knows to be a sacred Moko. As I translated the vision I felt like I was experiencing all of these sensations within myself as all of the planets, tribes and elements.

I immediately drew the symbol as best as I could and then the interpretations. It was the following day that I was shown a very similar symbol this time the spiral came from the bottom of the star (mother earth) the order of the colors started white, red, black Ihaia’s were the opposite.

Within a short time Ihaia recognized, that these symbols needed to be forever present with us, and so came the journey of the sacred at Moko * It was important that the artist could respect the sacredness of what this represented to us and spirit, and that it was not a decoration for our indulgence. In fact at the age of 43, I never considered that there would be a possibility for me in my life to do this.

Ihaia had previously met a wonderful The Tohunga tā moko (sacred tattooists) having had his own vision of a sacred moko some 12 years earlier. He was sure that this man was the right one for us, but would he agree to do it for us?

Here is the result which I would love to share with you! The feathers are in recognition of two moons and lightening stallion who brought us together!

Blessings Dellaina

  • Tā moko is the permanent body and face marking by Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand. The Tohunga tā moko (sacred tattooists) were considered tapu, or exceptionally inviolable and sacred.

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